Thursday, September 29, 2011

Valerie the Loafer

The work on the Lil Loafer, Valerie, is coming along. King James worked and figured out how to replace the dry rot and inside wall. Now we move to the other side. In the meantime, I have taken off the front wood and had to remove the bed frame. I also am working on the door, polished it and am painting it with brown chalkboard paint on the inside. I bought a buffer and tried it out. Lesson one..don't get it close to any rough edges. I totally ripped off the "bonnet" getting it caught on a screw hole, oops. Lesson over until I buy a new bonnet. I hope there aren't anymore costly lessons. I am also working on the windows, polishing them and getting the silicone off. Then they go to the glass house for new glass pieces...I hope. Cleaned up the tongue and primed that. Will work on the wheels next. And King James brought in the seat for me to start working on. The cats seem to really like it. They were thinking, "why hasn't anyone done this before, put a huge cushion on the floor for us" Cats are such finicky subjects. I can't wait until it's time to put her all together.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How many trailers do you have?

That is the question I get, from my friends to the mailman. "How many trailers do you have?" And the answer is 4...right now. That makes me the queen, at least in the eyes of my fiends and family that only own one. But how could you have just one anyway, they are so cute. I thought I should list them all here and introduce them to you. My newest subject is a Fireball, which James calls Goldie. She is going to replace Hoppy when he leaves for another kingdom. She has the blue appliances I was looking for, although pink ones where the first choice, couldn't find them. Goldie is in the best shape of them all too, but then, we don't have here home yet to really check her out. Then there is Valerie, the Lil Loafer. We found her in the corner of the RV salvage yard while looking for a window for the Go-Lite. So I came home with a window and bought a trailer. Then there is the Shasta, no name yet. I thought I was getting a good deal being a 64 Shasta, but she's so much work. We found out when they say it needs a little TLC, it means tires, lights and ceiling. And just because they used it for camping this year doesn't mean it's clean either. I'm learning! And then there was the Go-Lite. It stayed with us for a week cuz I found the Shasta the same day as the Go-lite. The man dropped the price to $175. That was like on clearance, how could I pass on that one? But I sold it, lucky for me, to a man that needed it for storage. Perfect. Then there is Hop-a-long and his story is here. So there they are, all the subjects I rule over. But I'm a loving Queen, and spend as much time as I can with them until they can move to a different kingdom.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

After pictures of Hop-a-Long

cabinets stripped and refinished, new seat covers and curtains, paint inside and out and now everything works.

My guy Hop-a-Long. A 1965 Aloha

I found this trailer while sick in bed, got up and dressed to go see it. I hope I didn't make the man sick that I bought it from, but then, he did say everything worked and it didn't. So maybe he should have gotten sick as my revenge. We ended up doing so much work on it and now it's all done and ready to enjoy. One more farewell trip and then he goes up for sale to make room for the Fireball.

Monday, September 5, 2011

It's coming along...slowly.

We had a nice 3 day weekend. And in there, we also got some things done on both trailers. Problem is we found more work in the Loafer, which we named Valerie. She has some dry rot in the front corner from the window. So James got the wall back on the Shasta. Here are before and after pictures of the same corner. We will put her to the side and focus now on Valerie. I choose the counter top and curtain material for her and will be painting inside. I would love to keep the birch wood, but it just wasn't in good condition and we are having to replace both back sides. So she will be painted. I hope everyone likes the decorating choice. It's hard to choose for the purpose for selling. .