Wednesday, February 6, 2013

1960 Lil Loafer, 10' short.

I was working on polishing the Lil Loafer when winter came upon us. And since the front window was still out, the door out, and the skin was off the front and side, we covered her up and finished for the year. Good thing she is small, as the tarp wrapped around her from top to bottom. So I am hoping to start again as the weather warms in the next few months. Hope no critters have moved in over the winter!

1 comment:

  1. One of the best things I ever did was you wrap Loilta so her upper edges are covered (no way to leak) but the back door is accessible. I can still go in and dream and fuss around. Sometimes I even run the electric to her and stay a while! It is raining here today.... first time it wasn't snow, does that mean spring is around the corner??
